Secondary Education
Ashe County Schools Secondary Education Grades 7-12 Ashe County Schools works collaboratively to help support teachers as they instruct using the NC Standard Course of Study in each content area.
It is essential that teachers, students, and parents have a clear understanding of the academic standards at each grade level. These standards describe what students “shall know and be able to do in each content area.” We must work as partners to ensure that every child finds success.
Instruction should be rigorous and relevant, yet personalized and respectful. Our goal must be total student engagement. Learning is not passive. Our students have diverse learning needs, and we are constantly challenged to meet those needs. One way we can do this is by selecting appropriate instructional strategies. We are focused on continuous improvement and we model continuous learning through operating as a Professional Learning Community.
"All students will graduate from a rigorous, relevant academic program that equips them with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to succeed in both post-secondary education and 21st Century careers and to be participating, engaged citizens."
- North Carolina State Board of Education