Important Documents
Suggested Procedures for Traffic Stops
Suggested procedures for motorists when stopped by law enforcement.pdf 336.69 KB (Last Modified on January 26, 2018)
**North Carolina Driving School provides Driver Education for the students of Ashe County Schools.
Ashe County Students can register for Driver Education Classes at www.ncdrivingschool.com
Please choose Ashe County on this page.**Driver's Education Information
The Ashe County School System has contracted with North Carolina Driving School Inc. to provide Driver Education at no cost to the student.
Students must be at least 14 ½ years old, and enrolled in a public, private, or home school.
It is very important for students to sign up shortly after they reach 14 ½ years of age. All classes are held in the building across from the Soccer Field.After the classroom is completed students will be selected by class first and then by age, with the oldest student in each class selected first to drive. The Driver Education course consists of 30 classroom hours, as well as 6 hours of behind-thewheel instruction. Classes will be scheduled immediately after the regular school day, for three hours each day for 11 regular school days. Saturday and summer classes are held from 8:00 am until 2:30pm, for 5 sessions with no make-up time allowed.
The behind-the-wheel instruction will be scheduled after school until 9:00 pm on school days and between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm on Saturdays and during the summer. It may take up to 90 days to drive after completing the classroom portion.If you have any questions about Driver Education classes, please contact NC Driving School at 252-321-6700.
After completion of the driver education requirements, parents should stop by Ashe County High School to pick up the Driver's Eligibility Certificate which is needed before proceeding to the OMV to apply for a learner's permit. Parents will need the following items; Driver Education Certificate, Certified Copy of Birth Certificate, Social Security Card.