• Goal
    The North Carolina Association of Educational Office Professionals, Inc. is dedicated to the achievement of professionalism of educational office and to the improvement of the quality of service provided for students, educators, and the community. The Association is pledged further to assist educational office personnel in participating effectively in public policy issues, which relate to education.
    General Objectives
    SECTION 1.          To serve the needs of the members of the North Carolina Association of Educational Office Professionals, Inc.(NCAEOP) effectively by providing continuing educational and training opportunities.

    SECTION 2.         To develop and disseminate a comprehensive body of knowledge about educational office procedures and responsibilities.

    SECTION 3.         To represent the views of NCAEOP members and the Association before governmental bodies and in all other appropriate forums.

    SECTION 4.         To encourage NCAEOP members to take active leadership roles in the Association and in educational and community endeavors.

    SECTION 5.         To promote recognition of educational office persons as professionals.

    SECTION 6.         To foster public understanding of the contributions that NCAEOP makes to education.

    SECTION 7.         To work closely with allied organizations to advance the ideals of the educational profession.

    SECTION 8.         To provide a forum for interaction and exchange of information and ideas among educational office personnel in   public schools, community and technical colleges, institutes, colleges, and universities.

    SECTION 9.         To recognize the achievements of educational office personnel who have contributed to the advancement of education.

    SECTION 10.       To encourage high standards of professional conduct among educational office personnel.

    SECTION 11.       To help educational office personnel fulfill their responsibilities and successfully perform their role.

    SECTION 12.       To promote friendship, understanding, and cooperation among all members of the Association.

    SECTION 13.       To promote adequate and fair standards regarding the appointment, promotion, compensation, and working conditions of educational office personnel.

    SECTION 14.       To strive to make NCAEOP the best association for professional educational office personnel. 
    April 1, 1984