Code of Ethics
Educational Office Professionals should exalt their profession on all occasions and sincerely strive for a finer and more efficient service to the school and the community.
Educational Office Professionals should have membership in their local, state, and national professional organization and should participate in their activities.
Educational Office Professionals should be courteous, just, and professional in all their relations with administrators, office personnel, pupils, teachers, and other visitors to the office.
Educational Office Professionals should not disclose any information of confidential nature and should not do or say anything that could cause them to lose their confidence and respect of others. They should avoid voicing unfavorable criticism of other school employees unless that criticism is formally presented to a school official for the welfare of the school.
Educational Office Professionals should recognize and perform all duties of citizenship and should be loyal to the school system, the state, and the nation.
Educational Office Professionals should refrain from the use of pressure on school officials to secure a promotion or to obtain favors for other people.
Educational Office Professionals should perform their duties with dispatch and accuracy.
Educational Office Professionals should maintain their own efficiency by study, by travel, and by other means, which keep them abreast of the trends in educational and business practices.
Educational Office Professionals should make the office a congenial place for all without allowing it to becoming a social center.
Educational Office Professionals should practice the qualities, which promote good human relations and good public relations -- cheerfulness, honesty, tact, understanding, patience, and good judgment.