• What is Simple Praises?

    The goal of the Simple Praises initiative is to share photos of Ashe County Schools employees (teachers, administrators, cafeteria staff, custodial staff, maintenance, bus drivers, after school staff, support staff, etc.) to showcase their day-to-day activities. As an extension of "School Appreciation Days", we wanted to come up with a way to recognize more of our wonderful employees in our district, not limited to certain days or certain job roles. This is intended to be more informal and capture the behind the scenes for the community to see how everybody plays an important role in our district to ensure the school year runs smoothly for students and staff.
    The "Weekly Round of Applause" is posted each Friday throughout the school year on all district social media channels to celebrate the employees who were nominated that week.
    Created by Bailey Little
  • Robin Scott

    Jerry Goodman